Tenants: To cancel your reservation, please do so at least 48 hours in advance to avoid charges. Don't forget to review the cancellation policy on the reservation contract if you have any questions.
Use of the Conference Center lobby (beyond 1-2 tables) that excludes the ability of others to use the space and rooms, as determined by the Management Office, constitutes a Full Conference Center Buyout and will be billed as such. The more logistical information is provided to us, the more accurately we can provide you with the final reservation cost.
The more detail provided on the planning documents, the better we can ensure the space is set up perfectly for you. Last minute requests and changes will be accommodated as well as we are able, provided labor/staff is available. There may be additional charges to accommodate these changes.
Reservation of Thrive Cafe spaces (excluding Magnolia and Camellia Rooms) is available after 3:00pm. Only Guckenheimer is allowed to provide catering (food and beverage) services within all Cafe spaces.
Any outside vendors you plan to use must provide a Certificate of Insurance ("COI") prior to the event that meets Rosewood Commons' requirements. COIs that meet all requirements often take time to perfect, so submitting early is always a good idea. Please submit COIs to our office no later than a week prior to your event.
We are able to provide up to three 6-foot tables for outdoor events, subject to other availability. Indoor events have priority. If your event requires more than three tables, please contract a rental company for these needs. A COI will be required from the rental vendor.
If you are having an outdoor event, don't forget that the BBQ (operated by Guckenheimer) is available for a fun and delicious option. Please note that the grill can only be operated by Guckenheimer and no other grills of any size/type are allowed anywhere on the property (including in the parking lot).
Food trucks are not allowed on the Rosewood Commons campus.
Reservations are on a "first come, first serve" basis. There is no limit to how many reservations a company can make or how far in advance. However, please be courteous of your neighbors and use common sense when "holding" a space for an event that is not confirmed. Holds are valid for 30 days unless there is a challenge by another interested party ready to book. The company with the "hold" will be given right of first refusal.
